LitNuts was created to share the “Best of the Indies” with booklovers.
- Subscribers get a free newsletter focused on books from indie authors and small presses, book giveaways, and free online literary and cultural events.
- Authors and publishers get an affordable way to share their work with engaged readers. (Get 30% off your first book promotion with discount code LN30.)

LitNuts LLC is a woman-owned, family-run business founded by Kathleen Meyer and her father, Mike O'Mary, who share a love of literature. Kathleen is an avid reader with 11 years of marketing experience, including with Dream of Things, a small press founded by Mike in 2009. From 2009 - 2016, Dream of Things published three New York Times Bestsellers, three winners of the Hoffer Award, and one book that was optioned for a film.
"We understand the challenge of 'discovery' when it comes to indie books," says Kathleen. "As a small press, book promotion newsletters were a key component of our marketing strategy."
"We learned which ones work and which ones don’t," says Mike. "We also learned that many newsletters are too expensive, their pricing structures too convoluted, and their terms too inflexible."
Kathleen and Mike drew upon their experience of publishing and marketing books on a shoestring budget to create LitNuts in the hope of helping indie presses and authors achieve greater success.
"LitNuts is an affordable way to get your book in front of readers who have a genuine interest in indie books," says Kathleen.
"Our goal is to raise awareness of your book," says Mike. "If you have a good book, awareness will lead to more sales; more online reader reviews, which are worth their weight in gold; and more word-of-mouth marketing, the Holy Grail of book publishing."
LitNuts is an IBPA Publishing Partner and an ALLi Partner.