Author-Published Books
As a former small publisher, I know how much work folks at indie presses put into the acquisition, editing, design and production of a quality book, not to mention distribution, marketing, bookkeeping, and more.
No one can do all of that alone—no one except maybe an author. So if you've put in the time and money to produce a book that's on par with what a whole team does at a publishing company, LitNuts is proud to help you promote it.
Author-published books do well when they have a professional book cover; a compelling book description; professional reviews, awards or recognition; and reader reviews and above-average ratings on Goodreads or Amazon.
Author-published books lacking in those areas don't do as well. On the rare occasion that we decide not to promote a book, it's usually because of an amateurish book cover, a poorly written book description, or lack of reader reviews. We issue a refund if we don't promote a book.
See additional tips and resources here.
Mike O'Mary, LitNuts Cofounder