LitNuts Deals Promotion & Giveaway - June 15, 2023

LitNuts Deals Promotion & Giveaway - June 15, 2023

Regular price $50.00 Unit price per

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Make the most of your description: 1. Open with the best blurb, quote or fact about your book. 2. Add 2-3 compelling statements about the content. 3. Close with 1-2 more blurbs, facts or quotes. For examples:
By default, we will use the book cover from your book's page on Amazon. If you want us to use a different cover, please provide a URL that links to that cover or send a jpg or png of the cover to
To be included in LitNuts Deals, your book must be priced $1 or less (free is okay) on the day of the LitNuts Deals promotion (and ideally for a few days beyond that).
Enter a URL that links directly to your book's page on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Kobo or other online retailer. Please do not use an affiliate link.
(Optional) Enter a URL that links directly to your book's page on a 2nd online retailer's website.
(Optional) Enter a URL that links directly to your book's page on a 3rd online retailer's website.
(Optional) Enter a URL that links to your book on the publisher's website.
(Optional) Enter a URL that links to the author's website.
(Optional) Enter URL of the FB page of the author or publisher.
(Optional) Enter URL of Twitter handle of the author or publisher.
(Optional) Enter URL of the Instagram page of the author or publisher.
Giveaway entry method(s)
Readers can enter the LitNuts Deals giveaway by subscribing to your email list or following/visiting you on social media. Select the 1-2 entry methods you'd like us to use.

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