Today, LitNuts is shining a spotlight on the work of Lancelot Schaubert, author, editor, and producer of albums, films, and photo novels. The works in today's special edition newsletter run the gamut from science fiction to humor to social commentary. Read on to learn more.
“Lancelot Schaubert writes with conviction but without the cliché and bluster of the propaganda that is so common in this age of blogs and tweets. Here is a real practitioner of the craft who has the patience to pay attention." ~Jonathan Wilson Hartgrove, bestselling author of Common Prayer and The Awakening of Hope
Of Gods and Globes
A collection of three anthologiesGenre: Science Fiction
Series: $11.97 for all three e-books (individual titles from $3.99)
Author and editor Lancelot Schaubert rounded up sci-fi and fantasy writers to write about cosmic influence. The fantasy writers took a more mythological approach, speaking of the symbolic (or perhaps godly) Mercury and Mars and Neptune. The sci-fi writers tell you what it’s like to live on Jupiter and Uranus. All of them, though, speak of the influence of what one writer called "the music of the spheres."
Books in the Series:
- Of Gods and Globes: A Cosmic Anthology
- Of Gods and Globes II: A Cosmic Anthology
- Of Gods and Globes III: Trigger Warnings and The Abyss
Praise for contributors to the Of Gods and Globes anthologies
"As in all her books, Juliet Marillier shows the strength and power that women can control regardless of their place in the world or society in which they are born." ~TOR
"Cohen has real talent with character development and interaction and prickly, defensive, sympathetic heroins." ~BookLife
"Schaubert’s words have an immediacy, a potency, an intimacy that grab the reader by the collar and say ‘Listen, this is important!’” ~Erika Robuck, author of Hemingway’s Girl
Bell Hammers: The True Folk Tale of Little Egypt
Genre: Humor, Historical Fiction4.2 stars, 133 ratings
From: $0.99
Pranks. Oil. Protest. Jokes between newlyweds. And one hilarious siege of a major corporation.
Remmy grows up with Beth in Bellhammer, Illinois, as oil and coal companies rob the land of everything that made it paradise. Under his Grandad, Remmy learns how to properly prank his neighbors, friends, and foes.
Beth tries to fix Remmy by taking him to church. Under his Daddy, Remmy starts the Bell Hammer Construction Company, which depends on contracts from Texarco Oil.
Together, Remmy and Beth start to build a great neighborhood of "merry men" carpenters: a paradise of s’mores, porch furniture, newborn babies, and summer trips to Branson. Then a faulty Texarco oil derrick falls down on their house and poisons their neighborhood's well.
Poisoned wells escalate to torched dog houses, stolen carpentry tools, cancelled contracts, and eminent domain claims. Sick of the attacks from Texarco Oil on his neighborhood, Remmy assembles his merry men: "We need the world's greatest prank. One grand glorious jest that'll bloody the nose of that tyrant."
Praise for Bell Hammers
"A Tree Grows in Brooklyn as told by Gabriel Garcia Marquez if Marquez lived in rural Illinois and only told stories to his grandkids. Seriously a delight to read." ~Colby Williams, author of Small Town, Big Money
"Humor, compassion, and heart." ~Brian Slatterly, editor of The New Haven Review
"Emotionally stirring with both a vulnerable sensibility and rawness." ~Natalie Gee, Brooklyn Film Festival
Least of These Least
Genre: Local U.S. Politics, Christian Liberation Theology, Christian Monasticism & AsceticismFrom: $0.99
Least of these least. The biblical verse fills us with dread: Where have we overlooked the hungry, the sick, the refugee, the homeless, the naked, the prisoner? When have we neglected to quench, feed, heal, host, and visit?
The dread grows: When, specifically, have we done so to Jesus himself? What have you done for Him through those you have every right to hate, shame, mistrust, avoid, or resent?
Praise for Least of These Least
"Lancelot Schaubert writes with conviction but without the cliché and bluster of the propaganda that is so common in this age of blogs and tweets." ~Jonathan Wilson Hartgrove, author of Common Prayer and The Awakening of Hope
About the Author