Today's Featured Books— Events
Free online: Poetry and the Art of Giving Attention
Free online: Poetry and the Art of Giving Attention. In this virtual class, participants will use creative writing to articulate our wonder, care, and astonishment at the world. All experience levels are welcome—for this class, a poet is defined simply be a person who pays attention. All you need is a pen and notebook or paper. Tuesday, June 11, 2 - 3 PM CDT.
"Be brief, be buoyant, and be brilliant." ~Brander Matthews on poetry
Free online: Book Buzz at the New York Public Library
Free online: Book Buzz. Join the librarians of the New York Public Library for a special presentation about forthcoming books to spark your reading curiosity. Saturday, June 8, 11 AM - 12 PM EDT.
"You build a thousand castles, a thousand sanctuaries, you are nothing; you build a library, you are everything!" ~Mehmet Murat ildan
Free online: Larksong Writers Place First Friday Book Talk & Reading
Free online: First Friday Book Talk & Reading. Hosted by Larksong Writers Place, LeeAnn Roripaugh will read from Reveal Codes, her collection of short stories that won the Moon City Short Fiction Award. Roripaugh is Professor of English at the University of South Dakota, where she also serves as Director of Creative Writing and Editor-in-Chief of South Dakota Review. Friday, May 7, 12 PM CDT.
“When you read a short story, you come out a little more aware and a little more in love with the world around you.” ~George Saunders
Free online Tuesday: Coffee & a Short Story at the NYPL
Free online: Coffee and a Short Story. Join the New York Public Library for a free online discussion of "Soldier's Home" by Ernest Hemmingway. You can read the short story for free ahead of time via the NYPL website. Tuesday, June 4, 12 - 1 PM EDT.
“There is no friend as loyal as a book.” ~Ernest Hemingway
Free online tonight: That's Absurd!
Free online tonight: That's Absurd! Join for a wild and wacky online live reading event to hear from a collection of authors from the upcoming That's Absurd! anthology. Friday, May 31, 6:30 PM CDT.
“In tragedy every moment is eternity; in comedy, eternity is a moment.” ~Christopher Fry
Free online tonight: 2024 Anne Halley Poetry Prize Reading
Free online tonight: 2024 Anne Halley Poetry Prize Reading. Hosted by The Massachusetts Review, tonight's event honors 2024 Anne Halley Prize winner Michael Lavers, who will read his prize-winning poem "Sun, Birds, and Leaves" and other works. Wednesday, May 29, 7 PM EDT.
"If the next is better, I’ll still miss this world." ~Michael Lavers, "Coda"
Free online: Reading at Malaprop's Bookstore, Asheville, NC
Free online: Literary event at Malaprop's Bookstore, Asheville, NC, Join Mesha Maren, author of the new novel Shae, and Ellen Birkett Morris, author of the award-winning debut novel Beware the Tall Grass, for a reading and conversation. Monday, May 28, 6-7 PM EDT.
"Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility." ~Eleanor Roosevelt
Free online Sunday: The Back Room with Sara Paretsky!
Free online: The Back Room. Enjoy an evening of cocktails and conversation with four authors, including Janie Chang, Sally Hepworth, Vanessa Miller, and Sara Paretsky, creator of the V.I. Warshawski novels and recipient of the Cartier Diamond Dagger for lifetime achievement from the British Crime Writers Association. Sunday, May 26, 6-8 PM CDT.
"Never underestimate a man's ability to underestimate a woman." ~Sara Paretsky
Free online tonight: Friends & Fiction
Free online tonight: Friends & Fiction. Join the hosts of Friends & Fiction for interviews with bestselling authors on a show that airs live on Facebook and YouTube. Bonus: More than 200 back episodes are available for replay on YouTube! Every Wednesday at 7 PM ET.
“A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside.” ~A. A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
Free online tonight: Rogue Reads
Free online: Rogue Reads. Presented by Rogue Women Writers, tune in for a lively conversation and Q&A with authors Meg Gardiner, Kellye Garrett, Omar Tyree, and Nolan Chase. Monday, May 20, 7 PM EST.
“Where does it all lead? What will become of us? These were our young questions, and young answers were revealed. It leads to each other. We become ourselves.” ~Patti Smith, Just Kids
Free online: Jazz Poetry 2024
Free online: Jazz Poetry 2024. Jazz Poetry Month is an annual celebration of experimentation, collaboration, and connection between art forms and between artist and audience. This year, 50+ artists are joining the celebration. This weekend, Juno Award–winning pianist Andy Milne will perform with poets Noah Arhm Choi, Jonathan Moody, Justin Perez, and Monica Sok. Sunday, May 19, 6:00 - 7:30 EDT.
“Jazz washes away the dust of everyday life.” ~Art Blakey
Free online: Third Thursday Quick Read
Free online: Third Thursday Quick Read. Sponsored by Strong Women, Strange Worlds, this reading series offers a "tasting menu" of science fiction, fantasy, and horror stories. Six authors will each have 8 minutes to tempt and tantalizing you with their reading. Thursday, May 16, 6 - 7 PM CDT.
“Miracles surround us at every turn, if we but sharpen our perceptions to them.” ~Willa Cather
Free online: Coffee and a Short Story at the NYPL
Free online: Coffee and a Short Story. Hosted online by the New York Public Library, this series invites booklovers to join an online discussion of a selected short story. This week, the NYPL staff will discuss "A Report for an Academy" by Franz Kafka. Tuesday, May 14, 12-1 PM EDT.
"We should not let our fears hold us back from pursuing our hopes." ~Franz Kafka
Free online: The Georgia O'Keeffe Museum
Free online: The Georgia O'Keeffe Museum in Sante Fe, New Mexico, is dedicated to the artistic legacy of Georgia O’Keeffe and her contributions to American Modernism. The museum website offers creative activities, stories, and education about Georgia O’Keeffe’s life, along with several virtual exhibits available through Google Arts and Culture.
"My painting is what I have to give back to the world for what the world gives to me." ~Georgia O'Keeffe
Free online Tuesday: Memories at the Museum
Free online: Memories at the Museum. In the virtual tour of the San Diego Museum of Art, docents with the Memories at the Museum program engage people with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease and an accompanying family member or friend in discussions about artwork to stimulate visual and verbal abilities, and to spark memory. Tuesday, May 7, 2 - 3 PM PDT.
"Gratitude is the heart's memory." ~French proverb
Free online Sunday: The Back Room
Free online: The Back Room. Join authors Ashley Elston, Michael Koryta, K.T. Nguyen, and Kaira Rouda for this virtual cocktail party. The program begins with brief introductions, a game of 20 questions, and book recommendations from the authors. Attendees are then divided into breakout rooms that will be visited by each author. Everyone’s video is turned on and their mics are open so you can chat with the authors about whatever you like. Sunday, May 5, 6 - 8 PM CDT.
"May is the month of expectation, the month of wishes, the month of hope." ~Emily Brontë
Free online tonight: Friends & Fiction
Free online tonight: Friends & Fiction. Join the hosts of this popular web show as they interview bestselling authors. Tonight's guest: Janet Skeslien Charles, a New York Times and international bestselling author whose work has been translated into 37 languages. Wednesday, May 1, 7 PM EST.
"Books and ideas are like blood; they need to circulate, and they keep us alive." ~Janet Skeslien Charles, The Paris Library
Free online Saturday: Elevate Your Life!
Free online: Elevate Your Life, practical steps to take charge of your life. Join this free virtual event featuring five keynote speakers on such topics as "Ignite Your Intuition," "Claiming and Staking Your Boundaries," "Triumph over Trauma," and more. Saturday, April 27, 10 AM - 1 PM PST.
"If you own this story you get to write the ending." ~Brené Brown
Free online: Literary Editions 2024 with the University of Alberta Press
Free online: Literary Editions 2024. Hosted by the University of Alberta Press, this listening party will feature poetry from UAlberta Press’ newest collections: That Audible Slippage by Margaret Christakos, Deviant by Patrick Grace, and Northerny by Dawn Macdonald. Wednesday, April 24, 5:00 - 6:30 MT.
"Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash." ~Leonard Cohen
Free online: Earth Week Speaker Series
Free online: Earth Week Speaker Series. Earth Day is April 22, and the SWBR design firm is sponsoring a weeklong speaker series on such topics as architecture, sustainability policy, community planning, and more. April 22 - 26.
"Preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known." ~Carl Sagan
Free online Sunday: The Back Room
Free online: The Back Room. LitNuts often recommends The Back Room events because of their unique format: Each event starts with a short introduction to a panel of four authors. The audience is then divided into four breakout rooms. Everyone’s video is turned on and their mics are unmuted, allowing for informal, face-to-face discussion. It’s all very relaxed and casual and fun—like a virtual cocktail party! This week's authors are Rene Denfeld, Paul Doiron, Nick Medina, and Robin Peguero. Sunday, April 21, 6 - 8 PM CDT.
"Hear no evil, speak no evil, and you won’t be invited to cocktail parties." ~Oscar Wilde
Free online: Strong Women, Strange Worlds
Free online: Strong Women, Strange Worlds. Join this First Friday/Third Thursday event, which is essentially a "tasting menu" of science fiction, fantasy, and horror stories. Each session features six authors who will each have eight minutes to tempt and tantalizing you with their reading. Thursday, April 18, 6 - 7 PM CDT.
"Certain places seem to exist mainly because someone has written about them." ~Joan Didion
Free online: Street Photography Webinar
Free online: Unleashing the Magic of Everyday Discoveries, sponsored by Nikon. Join photographer Audrey Woulard for this free online class on street photography and learn to discover the extraordinary in seemingly ordinary places along the street. Tuesday, April 16, 6 - 7 PM CST.
“You don’t take a photograph, you make it.” ~Ansel Adams
Free online: Rogue Reads
Free online: Join Rogue Reads for a star-studded night with authors Anne Hillerman (Lost Birds), Lisa Gardner (Still See You Everywhere), Robert Dugoni (A Killing on the Hill), and Carter Wilson (The Father She Went to Find). All authors will be participating "live" to talk about their new books and take your questions. Monday, April 15, 7 PM EST.
"The true nature of the human heart is as whimsical as spring weather. All signals may aim toward a fall of rain when suddenly the skies will clear." ~Maya Angelou
Free online: What's New in Historical Fiction
Free online: What's New in Historical Fiction. Join Colin Mustful, founder of History Through Fiction, for a panel discussion featuring Jennifer Ryan, author of The Underground Library; K.D. Alden, author of Lady Codebreaker; Sara Donati, author of The Sweet Blue Distance; and Lora Chilton, author of 1666. Monday, April 8, 7 - 8 PM CDT.
"If you want to understand today you have to search yesterday." ~Pearl S. Buck