To Own Two Suns: "Imaginative high-stakes SF." ~Kirkus


Today, LitNuts is shining a spotlight on To Own Two Suns by Fran Tabor, in which a NASA expedition to the edge of the solar system in 2112 encounters a long-hibernating alien. 

"Imaginative high-stakes SF breathes fresh life into the alien-first-contact genre." ~Kirkus Reviews 

To Own Two Suns

Genre: Science Fiction
Paperback: $19.99
Ebook: $2.99

Which is better, a great peace supported by a lie, or a massacre justified by the truth?

In the year 2112, Captain Jerrison's fragile research vessel becomes the first manned spaceship to venture beyond Neptune. Jerrison and his crew plan to research exotic Kuiper Belt objects. Instead, the defenseless crew encounters a lone scout from the alien Morgi civilization.

Jerrison learns that two Morgi clans will battle for ownership of Earth. The Morgi scout is from the weaker clan. If the more powerful clan wins, the Morgi will exterminate unsuspecting humanity. 

An unlikely friendship forms. Can an unarmed human tip the balance of power in favor of the weaker Morgi clan? If not, the Morgi scount, his entire clan, and all humanity will die. 

Praise for To Own Two Suns
"In the year 2112, a NASA expedition (a dangerously cut-rate, low-budget one, it turns out) has sent volunteers to explore deep space, with little or no chance of return. The crew, led by Commander Jerry Jerrison, is on the edge of Pluto’s orbit when they make an epochal discovery: a fantastically advanced, shape-shifting alien spaceship, guided by an artificial intelligence and harboring one hibernating occupant... Readers will enjoy the sidelong jabs at human-style colonial imperialism and realpolitik." ~Kirkus Reviews (read the full review HERE)

"Readers gain empathy as both cultures try to adjust to each other... Another appealing aspect of the novel is the humor the author uses when human cultural norms are viewed through the perspective of [alien] values." ~LeighBee, (read the full review HERE)

"Recommended to adults and young adults who are lovers of science fiction and also enjoy books about extraterrestrials and space exploration." ~Chuks Ogechukwu Bianca, (read the full review HERE)

About the Author
Fran Tabor believes fiction's ultimate purpose isn't entertainment; it is to prepare us for moments we have not  yet—and may never—live. Fran's books include romance, mysteries, facts, and wild science fiction speculations. 

​​​​​​​The need for romance books is obvious—love should be part of everyone's life. Likewise, mysteries of all types are part of life. None of us can know everything about everyone all the time. We are always living real life mysteries. And the need for factual books is obvious—we live in the real world.
Society's need for imaginative, mutlifaceted science fiction is not so obvious. ​​​​​​​Our first contact with extraterrestrials will most likely be in a manner we cannot imagine, and therefore we need all the imagination-stretchers possible. Unless there are no extraterrestrial aliens. Then we need to share the gift of life with the universe, which will demand even more imagination.

Learn more about Fran and her writing by following her online:

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